Accessory Ducts

The immotile sperm which are released from the Sertoli cells are washed through the seminferous tubules to the rete testis by fluid produced by the Sertoli cells. The fluid current is created by ciliary action in the efferent ductules and the reabsorption of testicular fluid in the epididymis. The accessory duct system carries the sperm to the epididymis where they will be stored while further physiological maturation occurs. In human males, sperm must be stored in the epididymis for two weeks before they are capable of independant motility and fertility.

  1. rete testis
  2. efferent ductules
  3. epididymis
  4. vas deferens

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Efferent ductules (HP) Epididymis (LP) Tail of epididymis containing sperm(LP)
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