Spermatic Cord (LP)

The spermatic cord contains all the structures which pass to and from the testis through the abdominal wall at the deep inguinal ring. The structures which form the cord reflect the embryological origin of the testis in the abdomen and its passage to the scrotum through the abdominal wall just before birth. The following structures can be identified in the section;

  1. vas (or ductus) deferens, the continuation of the epididymis

  2. testicular artery which is a direct branch of the abdominal aorta

  3. veins of the pampiniform plexus which form a counter current heat exchange system to cool the arterial blood entering the testis

  4. bundles of striated voluntary muscle (cremaster muscle) which are derived from the abdominal wall

Important lymphatics which drain the testes to the para-aortic nodes are not visible at this magnification.

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