Body of Epididymis (LP)

The epididymis is highly convoluted single tube which is between 4 and 6 meters in length. It begins on the superior pole of the tesis where the efferent ductules join it individually and forms the body and tail on the posterior of the testis. Inferiorly it continues as the vas deferens. The epididymis is lined by an unusual pseudo-stratified epithelium which consists of small basal cells and tall columnar cells with an even luminal margin (c.f. efferent ductules).

The tall columnar cells are modified on their luminal surface by extremely long microvilli which are known as stereocilia. However, these projections are not motile, they increase the surface area for absorption of the testicular fluid. There is a profuse vascular plexus in the loose connective tissue which surrounds the duct of the epididymis to carry the fluid into the circulation. Spermatozoa are not visible in this preparation of the body of the epididymis. Spermatozoa are stored mianly in the tail of the epididymis.

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