Ductus Deferens (LP)

The vas (or ductus) deferens (pleural vasa deferentia) is the continuation of the epididymis and lies within the spermatic cord along with the testicular artery, the pampiniform plexus of veins, smooth muscle fibres of the cremaster muscle and lymphatics. The vas can be palpated through the wall of the scrotum. They pass through the anterior abdominal wall and lie in close relationship to the lateral and posterior aspects of the bladder before joining with the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory ducts which enter the posterior aspect of the prostate.

It has a narrow, stellate lumen, lined by pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia. The vas deferens has an extremely thick wall composed of three layers of smooth muscle.

The muscle of the wall of the vas contracts strongly during ejaculation to propel the sperm towards the urethra. Contraction is controlled by sympathetic nerves.

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