Male Reproductive System


This is a diagram illustrating a sagittal section throught the male pelvis. Some major structures have been labelled but also notice the position of the anterior abdominal wall, the gluteal region and thigh and the position of the rectum

1 bladder
2 seminal vesicle
3 prostate
4 urethra
5 vas deferens
6 epididymis
7 testis
8 penis

The male reproductive system consists of the:

testes (7) which not only produce sperm, but also synthesise and secrete the male sex hormone testosterone. Testosterone controls spermatogenesis, the development of male secondary sexual charactaristics and male behaviour

accessory ducts e.g. epididymis (6) and vas deferens (5) which carry the sperm through the male system

accessory sexual glands e.g. the seminal vesicles (2) and prostate (3) which secrete the fluids which make up the semen in which sperm are suspended at ejaculation

penis (8) which becomes erect during sexual excitment to allow ejaculation of sperm into the vagina during sexual intercourse. The erectile tissue of the penis surrounds the urethra which carries both urine and semen to the exterior.

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